We Know What Needs to Change

It’s that we don’t know how to do it. With the empirical research that’s been done on Self Determination Theory and Optimal Performance we have more than enough data to tell us what works as far as engaging and motivating employees is concerned. We also have over 20 years of business success to back up the research.
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Nature vs Nurture in the Realm of Success

What makes our top achievers in business, sports or music great at what they do? Is it something they’re born with? Is it an overbearing parent pushing them to succeed? Is it hard work? Most of us think that talent is something we’re born with, that you either have it or you don’t. We think that how smart someone is determines their potential. Not so much. Sure, some people have inherited advantages in rare cases, but these advantages being smarter, stronger, taller etc, have little to no relation to how successful someone will be.
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Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose, Oh My!

Dan Pink’s new book, Drive brings together 50 years of research, and 25 years of practical experience from companies that have been using these ideas successfully and profitably. He says that economists and psychologists agree: carrots and sticks are only good for a very narrow band of tasks, ones that don’t require creativity. As soon as a creative task is tied to a reward or punishment, it will most likely have a long term negative effect on that task. These ideas are not new to the world, but it’s the first time anyone has brought them all together in one place and made them easy to understand.
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