ROWE and City Planning

If more and more people start working from home, what affect will that have on our cities and communities? Will our need for office space decrease? Will traffic lesson, will we need less parking spaces in business districts? Will it strengthen or weaken our relationships at home or at work? Certainly there will be consequences for changing the way we work. Some of them intended, lower cost for office space, higher employee engagement and satisfaction, some of them unintended. What will the unintended consequences be?
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Are you a stone cutter or do you build cathedrals?

Ricardo Semler took his company SEMCO from a 4 million dollar a year venture with one division to 212 million a year with 15 divisions. This is from 1982 to 2003, I couldn’t find any newer numbers, but at that time his staff was aiming for 1 billion dollars by 2008. Sales have an average growth of 24% a year and SEMCO has less than 1% turnover. Beat that Wall Street! Ricardo has some very unconventional ideas about how to run a company.
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